We "train the trainer", both individual or large groups of trainers, to meet specific needs. Our experience extends to provide comprehensive role-out programmes to thousands of trainees.
Some valuable feedback from our clients:
Just a short note to thank you for invaluable role you played during our mentorship training last week. It certainly was one of the most enjoyable and impactful sessions I had attended in a long time, and I know many of our team members feel exactly the same. Your flexibility, authenticity, insight and deep passion for people was a wonderful example for an aspiring leader like me. It really was a pleasure working with you, and who knows, maybe we will do so again in future!
- Brand Pretorius (Chief Executive Officer, Momentum Short-term Insurance)
"The Team Synergy session offered by People’s Dynamic Development, has had a radical impact on my team as a whole.
Team members are aware of the importance of having a common goal that provides them with a sense of purpose and a sense of belonging.
They attempt to understand their territory better which enables them to stay ahead of the pack and to stay in touch with the overall Business goal. The workshop has really changed our perceptions about our roles at work and the importance of not only being good but to be GREAT. I would recommend this workshop to anyone who is serious about being a great work team!"
- Charmaine Snyman-Behrens (Head of Organisational Development & Wellness)
We certainly valued the time spent with you, we have work to do still inbufong the synergy required and we can only get better at it given the ground work do by yourself.
It us indeed going to be a memorable year fur us all with all the challenges coming our way, but together as a team we can handle all that life throws at us.
Thank you again, we certainly will be calling on you again
- Kind regards,
- Mthi Mtshengu (Senior General Manager)
Just to extend to you greetings from the Republic of Panama and to say that
I appreciate conversing with you at an ASTD conference.
Your book has been very inspiring.
I still have the brown Ivory pen you gave me.
- Dr. Christopher C. McLean
Some of our large corporate clients include: